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Short, short, short fiction October 31, 2006

Posted by dr. gonzo in Writing.
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Dr. Gonzo still exists he is just on hiatus, until then his alter-ego, Andy, will post nothing here. Except maybe some writing. Perhaps after Thanksgiving my motivation will return.

I have been experimenting with ultra short fiction, bite sized stories, you know, for the kids. Not really, the first one has some adult language and content. You are forewarned. Three pieces follow. (more…)

Roncevaux Pass October 6, 2006

Posted by dr. gonzo in Writing.

I know I haven’t posted lately but I thought I would post another excerpt from my novel, which is a partial explanation of my absence of late.

This is a dream-like sequence of the death of a medieval legend called Roland. The events are real or mostly real, as I said it is legend. Basically Roland was Charlemagne’s right hand man and somewhat of a pop culture icon in medieval Europe, everyone knew who Roland was. His story figures rather prominently in my work, tentatively titled The Arca Malum.

First let me give you some background on some of the characters in the book that are mentioned in this excerpt. (more…)

An explanation of sorts October 2, 2006

Posted by dr. gonzo in BlogNotes.

Yeah. I have been missing. I haven’t dropped off the face of the Earth or anything. I am still here. I just haven’t been into blogging of late. I am certain to return soon. Maybe I will post something later. The horse slaughter stuff has seen a lot of activity lately. I will try to chime into some of the discussion, if any, as I have time. Sorry dear readers. So sorry.