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TJ’s and glass pipes March 30, 2006

Posted by dr. gonzo in Crime, DeKalb.

Alright. I have decided to follow up the Hits From the Bong post. TJ's Accessories was shut down as a public nusiance. The DeKalb County State's Attorney has some decision making ahead of him tomorrow. UPDATE: I hear they’re real busy due to a recent murder in DeKalb, decision delayed.

But here is the low down on TJ's. Freakin' DRUG SHOP. Period. It's closed now. The shop sold no tobacco products, but did sell glass pipes, bongs (water pipes for you laymen out there), and probably its death knell, nitrous oxide containers for "whipped cream." Yeah, right. Whipped cream. Sure buddy.

However, the continued crackdown strikes me as unfair, still, for shops like Huka Corner or Smoker's World. Both businesses emphasize tobacco. Huka is a middle eastern tradition. Huka Corner's customers go there to smoke huka (flavored tobacco). How on Earth can the DeKalb PD assume that any of their products would be used for illegal purposes?

Same goes for Smoker's World, which liquidated all of its questionable merchandise over NIUs Spring Break. The business sells gobs of tobacco every day. Why would police assume that other products available at Smoker's World are meant to be used illegally?

Combine that with the vagueness of the law (which I discussed in the original post) and the selective enforcement of said law, and what you have is an unfair situation where a certain type of business is being targeted.

The elimination of glass smoking devices is not going to magically stop meth or marijuana abuse anyway. Let's focus on some real problems, gangs, crime, school overcrowding, etc., etc., instead of singling out the small businesses that Wal Mart has not yet driven away.


1. anon - November 16, 2007

Stupid DeKalb. It really doesnt matter what you smoke out of… I mean, u can go to the 711 and grab a lighter and use an empty popcan to smoke out of… i dont see them making that illegal. And besides, theres still a few places around here that sell glass if you know where to look.

2. smithy321 - December 18, 2007

glass pipes are really great, I advice to you: water-bongs-glass-pipes.com

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